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Course title | City | Start date | Credits |
Lær at kommunikere din forskning | København S | February 2025 | 2,5 ECTS |
PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen
Få basale færdigheder i forskningskommunikation gennem tre dage med workshops og praktisk træning. Kurset varetages af interne undervisere fra fakultetets kommunikationsafdeling og eksterne kommunikationseksperter.I løbet af de tr |
Supervision of Bachelor Projects and Theses | Copenhagen S | January 2025 | 1 ECTS |
PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen
Dates and time: 28-29 January 2025 from 9:00 to 15:00.Participants on this course will gain knowledge and skills related to the supervision and examination of bachelor projects and theses.The course provides specific tools to support studen |
Citizen Science Spring 2025 | Odense M | March 2025 | 4 ECTS |
PhD Programme at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Southern Denmark
Dates: 5-6 March and 9-10 April 2025 (Four full days)For further information, please see link below. |
Forskning i fag, skole og profession i et uddannelsessystem ... | Odense M | January 2025 | 3 ECTS |
PhD Programme at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Southern Denmark
Dato: 15.-16. januar 2025Arrangører: Forskningsprogrammet Fag, skole og profession i samarbejde med Center for Grundskoleforskning.- SDU. ECTS: 3 for deltagelse med paper og 1 for deltagelse uden |
Ph.d.-kursus: Få øje på noget du ikke troede var muligt i di... | Odense C | May 2025 | 2 ECTS |
PhD Programme at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Southern Denmark
Kurset udbydes under Ph.d.-skolen, Humaniora, SDUFor yderligere information og tilmelding, se link |
PhD Kursus: Udvikling af interventioner i komplekse systemer | Odense M | January 2025 | 1 ECTS |
PhD Programme at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Southern Denmark
Udbydes af Ph.d.-skolen, HumanioraFor yderligere information, se link |
Ph.d.-kursus: Børnecentreret forskning - at forske om og med... | Odense M | January 2025 | 2 ECTS |
PhD Programme at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Southern Denmark
Udbydes af forskningsenheden Fag, Skole og Profession (IDMU) Ph.d.-skolen, HumanioraFor yderligere information om kurset - se link. |
Vejledning af bachelorprojekter og specialer | København S | December 2024 | 1 ECTS |
PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen
Deltagerne på kurset vil få kendskab til viden og redskaber, man som vejleder kan bruge i vejledningen af studerende, der skriver selvstændige opgaver som bachelorprojekter og specialer. I vil få konkrete værktøje |
Open up your Academic Publishing Toolbox | Copenhagen S | December 2024 | 1 ECTS |
PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen
This course is a one-day workshop that takes place on 5 December 2024 from 8:45 to 16:00. Participation for the entire day and completion of assignments before and after the course day is required to receive 1 ECTS credit. Note: Please use |
Finishing your PhD and planning your future career | February 2025 | 1,2 ECTS | |
Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences at University of Copenhagen
Aim and contentThis is a generic course. This means that the course is reserved for PhD students at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences at UCPH. Anyone can apply for the course, but if you are not a PhD student at the Graduate School, you w |