PhD Courses in Denmark

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23 search results

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Course title City Start date Credits
Historiography in Art, Literature and Culture: Methods and P... Aarhus C April 2025 2 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course descriptionMost studies of literature, art and culture have a historical dimension. Even contemporary research objects can be studied historically. Indeed, ever since the 19th century there has been a strong tendency in the humanities to equate und

Introduction to Linguistic research - Basis II Aarhus C June 2025 4 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course description The topics of the course will be: Corpus Linguistics, Conversation Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics. The course will help broaden each participant's scholarly horizon and enrich their perspective

Mixed methods research – Integrating qualitative and quantit... Aarhus C June 2025 2 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course description Employing mixed methods within a single research project may increase the scope or improve the quality of knowledge gained, increase the validity of findings, secure the optimal research design, augment the explorative process or contri

Owning your PhD and your future - The road to completion and... Aarhus C April 2025 1 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course descriptionThis PhD course addresses both within- and post-PhD aspects of the PhD trajectory. Session 1 in the morning focuses on challenges and strategies for completing the PhD. The goal is for participants to assess their progress and creat

Poetic Resonance: Decoding sensorial and embodied ripples in... Online May 2025 2 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course description Our bodies are peculiar phenomena. As a complex jumble of matter, sensations, and movement, the living body – and we, as human beings – is continuously and actively engaged with its environment to sustain itself, to make a l

Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course description‘Lived experience’ is currently either a buzz-word or a contentious theme in various fields of psycho-social intervention. In psychiatry, social work, addiction treatment, crime prevention and exit, etc., people with lived ex

Putting the pieces together. Writing the presentation (“kapp... Aarhus C May 2025 1 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course descriptionIn this seminar, we will discuss strategies for writing the presentation (often referred to as a the “kappe,” literal English translation: “cape”) for doctoral researchers writing an article-based thesis. The semi

Race, space and affect- critical inquires into processes of ... København NV April 2025 2,5 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course descriptionIn this course we will introduce central theoretical and methodological perspectives on othering, belonging and racialization specifically looking into how body, space, affect and race intersect and are entangled in specific educational

Sandbjerg Seminar - Methods and Materials Sønderborg March 2025 5 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course description‘What’s your method?’ is a scary question for many researchers in the humanities, perhaps especially researchers of aesthetic phenomena or practice-based researchers. The question may imply that you don’t have a m

Sandbjerg Summer School in Global History Sønderborg June 2025 2 ECTS
Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University

Course descriptionThe Sandbjerg Summer School in Global Historyallows PhD students to present their projects andto discuss them with peers and senior scholars ina structured, but informal setting.It providesthem with an overview of global history andensur