Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Many-body Problem with Applications to Chemistry and Physics
DTU Department of Chemistry
To give the students specialized knowledge of several relevant aspects concerning quantum algorithms for simulating dynamics of physical systems and solving eigenvalue problems encountered in many-body quantum physics and quantum chemistry.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- Second quantization formalism and mappings between different sets of operators for realization of quantum Hamiltonians
- Abstract algebraic structures (e.g., groups, Lie and Clifford algebras) and their relevance to operators appearing in many-body problems
- Variational Quantum Eigensolver and its main challenges: state preparation and measurement; examples from quantum chemistry
- Other hybrid near-term algorithms, e.g., based on projective and Quantum Monte-Carlo ideas
- Error mitigation techniques for algorithms in near-term
- Quantum algorithms assuming fault-tolerance: Quantum Phase Estimation, Quantum Amplitude Estimation, and Quantum Amplitude Amplification
- Hamiltonian encoding: i) Trotter approximation; ii) Block-encodings: linear combination of unitaries, quantum signal processing techniques
- Error correction models and their efficiency limiting characteristics (e.g., magic state distillation)
- Various early-fault tolerant algorithms with the focus on extracting properties in a most efficient way
- Applications for near-term and fault-tolerant quantum algorithms
This course will cover quantum algorithms for simulating dynamics of physical systems and solving eigenvalue problems encountered in many-body quantum physics and quantum chemistry.