PhD Courses in Denmark

ANRES 2025 – 12th Aalborg symposium on the advances in neuro-physiology and neural rehabilitation engineering of movement (2025)

Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology at Aalborg University

Welcome to ANRES 2025 – 12th Aalborg symposium on the advances in neuro-physiology and neural rehabilitation engineering of movement

Program: BEN (also relevant for B, CPM, CSLTM, HCHPO, HES)


The neurophysiology of movement and neural rehabilitation of movement are rapidly developing research areas. The course focuses on neural engineering solutions for rehabilitation of people suffering from damage to or disease in the central or peripheral nervous system. This course is organized biannually and has a focus on disseminating the most relevant and recent achievements within the area. The course will include a series of internationally recognized speakers and a series of speakers from Aalborg University that are experts within the field. There will be a strong emphasis on providing time for interaction between the speakers and participants. The detailed agenda of the course will be provided on the course website.  Main topics can include animal or human models, neurophysiology of movement, neuroplasticity, neuromodulation, rehabilitation and assistive technologies (e.g. FES, BCI, robotics, biofeedback), assessment technologies (e.g., fMRI, TMS, electrophysiology) and other timely topics.


The course targets PhD students working within the areas of motor control, neural rehabilitation engineering or other students with interests in this research area. The course is repeated every two years with a different focus, thus participation in the previous edition does not preclude participation in this edition.

Form of evaluation:

The students must be present at the symposium. A poster session will be organized during the symposium, and the students should bring a poster of their own work (it can be a poster presented at another conference or meeting).

Key literature: 

Relevant papers and book chapters related to the specific talks will be announced shortly before the course.


Associate Professor Erika G. Spaich,

Associate Professor Andrew J.T. Stevenson, email:  


Organisers, invited lecturers and lecturers from HST

ECTS: 1.0

Time: 23 - 24 October 2025 (23 October: 08.15-16.15, 24 October: 08.15-12.00)

Place: Aalborg University

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Maximal number of participants: 25

Deadline: 2 October 2025