Research competences for neuro-modulation and oscillations in pain (2025)
Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology at Aalborg University
Welcome to Research competences for neuro-modulation and oscillations in pain 2025
Program: BEN (also relevant for CSLTM)
This introductory course offers a comprehensive exploration of the biological, neurophysiological, and practical aspects of pain research, along with essential skills for effective interdisciplinary collaboration and project management.
Participants will explore the mechanisms of pain including brain circuitries, neural oscillations, and neuromodulation techniques. The course will cover the transition from acute to chronic pain, assessment methods, and innovative treatment strategies. Key topics include neurophysiological tools for evaluating nociceptive systems, the role of non-invasive neuromodulation, and a critical analysis of pain syndromes and therapeutic approaches.
Furthermore, participants will learn vital project management skills necessary for successful interdisciplinary collaboration including risk management, team organization and conflict resolution.
Overall, this course aims to equip participants with a robust understanding of pain mechanisms and practical skills for effective teamwork in research settings.
Selected papers and book chapters will be announced to the participants shortly before the course.
A basic understanding of pain mechanisms.
The course will end with a multiple-choice evaluation with questions related to all topics of the course.
Professor Thomas Graven Nielsen, email:
Lecturers: TBA
ECTS: 4.0
Time: 22-26 September 2025, 08.15-16.15
Place: Aalborg University
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Maximal number of participants: 25
Deadline: 1 September 2025