PhD Courses in Denmark

Introduction to Model Predictive Control for Power Electronics Converters (2025)

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Welcome to Introduction to Model Predictive Control  for Power Electronics Converters (2025)

Description: After the introduction of fast-processing digital signal processors Model Predictive Control (MPC) has emerged as one of the most promising control alternatives for power electronics converter control. The advantages of MPC algorithms over traditional cascade control structures lie in fast transient response and the simple inclusion of multiple control objectives in a single control loop. However, there also remain challenges in the implementation of MPC algorithms in power electronics converter applications. Although some variants of the MPC algorithm have found application in industrial products, further research is required to achieve a much wider application. 

In this course basic principles of MPC will be explained, thus the course is suitable for participants without prior knowledge about MPC applications. The focus will be on the two most popular MPC algorithms in power electronics applications: finite control set (FS-MPC) and continuous control set (CS-MPC). Afterwards, the emphasis will be put on specific challenges in algorithm implementation e.g. weighting factor tunning, computational burden, fixing the switching frequency, and performance verification using statistical model checking. Several applications of MPC algorithm applications will be analyzed e.g. grid-connected converters, multilevel converters, motor drives, UPS converters.  The course will be accompanied by hands-on Simulation exercises where the participants can apply the learned methods and understand the principles of algorithm implementation.  

Key words: finite-set control, model predictive control, model checking, motor drives control, power electronics converters


- Fundamentals of power electronics

- Experience with MATLAB/Simulink is recommended for the exercises

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand fundamentals of model predictive control in power electronics applications
  • How to implement the basic model predictive current control for VSC converters 
  • How to implement the basic model predictive control for motor drives
  • Understand the challenges of MPC implementation and how to address them
  • Model a power electronics converter system using timed automata and apply statistical model checking to validate its performance


Teaching methods: Lectures, Presentations, Excercise

Form of evaluation: Students are required to solve exercises using the knowledge acquired in the course and submit a short project report with solutions within three weeks after the course, which will be assessed by the lecturers.

Criteria for assessment: Completed exercise and submitted mini report.

Remarks: In total 46 hours (Preparation: 12 hours, Lecture: 16 hours, Exercise and final report: 18 hours)

Key literature: TBA

Organizer: Professor Frede Blaabjerg,


Assistant Professor Mateja Novak, Aalborg University, (AAU Energy)

Associate Professor Ulrik Nyman, Aalborg University (Computer Science Department) 

ECTS: 2.0

Time: 2 and 3 October 2025

Place: Aalborg University, AAU Energy (Room: TBA)

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Maximal number of participants: 20

Deadline: 11 September 2025