PhD Courses in Denmark

Advanced Optimization and Control in Power and Energy Systems (2025)

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Welcome to Advanced Optimization and Control in Power and Energy Systems (2025)

Description: In the rapidly evolving landscape of power and energy systems, the integration of dispersed generation and renewable energies poses significant challenges and opportunities. Modern energy systems require innovative approaches to control, optimization, and management to ensure reliability, efficiency, and sustainability. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of these challenges and opportunities, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and innovate within this dynamic field. Through a series of lectures, hands-on sessions, and discussions, participants will delve into various aspects of modern energy systems, from regulatory frameworks to advanced optimization techniques. The course is designed to address the operational challenges of today's energy systems and develop innovative control and management strategies.   

The following topics are covered in the course:

• Challenges in Modern Energy Systems

• Regulatory Frameworks, Grid Codes, Standards, and EU Directives

• Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM)

• Hierarchical Control in Energy Systems

• Optimization Techniques (Basic to Advanced)

• Risk Modeling and Management in Energy Systems

• Flexibility Provision in Energy Systems (Electric Vehicles, Heat Pumps, Demand Response)

• Energy Management Systems and Application Examples

• Operation Management in Energy Communities and Grid Interaction Perspectives

• Hands-on Practical Sessions

Key words: Optimization, Energy management, Energy distribution, Flexibility, Control and Operation, Smart grid

Prerequisites: Familiarity with basics of power systems operations, mathematical modelling, and Programming skills.

Learning objectives: By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

- Understand and address modern energy system challenges (i.e., identify operational challenges and opportunities related to dispersed generation and renewable energies), 

- Navigate and apply regulatory frameworks (i.e., understand grid codes, standards, and EU directives impacting energy systems), 

- Implement advanced control and optimization techniques (i.e., apply hierarchical control strategies, optimization methods, and software tools like gams and matlab for energy management), 

- Utilize advanced algorithms to solve complex energy management problems and address uncertainties. 

- Develop flexible and resilient energy systems (i.e, enhance system flexibility through the integration of electric vehicles, heat pumps, and demand response programs), 

- Design and manage effective energy management systems (i.e., implement robust energy management systems and strategies for operation within energy communities, supported by practical, hands-on experience.)

Teaching methods: Lectures, Group work, Presentations, Small assignments, Excercise

Form of evaluation: Mini project with a report after the course (deadline is 3 weeks after the course ends)

Criteria for assessment: The participants will be evaluated by exercises on a daily basis (both individually and in groups) and a mini-project at the end of the course.

Remarks: In total about 98 hours (3.5x28h) hours (20  hours teaching, 5 hours practicing, 15 hours for preparations, 58 for doing the assignment and finalizing a student report)

Key literature: TBA


Prof. Birgitte Bak-Jensen,

Associate Prof. Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam,

Assistant Prof. Najmeh Bazmohammadi,


Prof. Birgitte Bak-Jensen, AAU Energy

Associate Prof. Florin Iov, AAU Energy

Associate Prof. Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam, AAU Energy


Assistant Prof. Najmeh Bazmohammadi, AAU Energy

External lecturers: 

Prof. Behnam Mohammadi-ivatloo, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology

Prof. Javier Contreras Sanz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

ECTS: 3.5

Time: 15, 16, 17, and 18 September 2025

Place: Aalborg University, AAU Energy (Room: TBA)

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Maximal number of participants: 25

Deadline: 25 August 2025