Funding for research (25/2 + 25/3 2025)
Graduate School of Health Sciences at University of Southern Denmark
Overview of the funding landscape and knowledge of how to identify viable funding sources, e.g. by using Research Professional; Insight into the structure of a research grant proposal and the purpose of its components; Insight into typical features of the successful application; Framing the project for the specific funder and funding opportunity; Insight into how funders process grant proposals, and factors determining success or failure; the importance of evaluation criteria; Tools for developing, qualifying and pitching project ideas; Writing an effective proposal CV; Costing a project and constructing a proposal budget; Insight through own experience into the mechanisms of grant proposal review and funding decisions; During the 2-day course, participants will acquire workable knowledge of processes and tools through presentations and interactive exercises; The major learning points will come from working with your own research grant proposal and follow the entire process from framing the project to funding decision. Participants are required to assess grant proposals under realistic conditions and participate in a mock review panel meeting.