PhD Courses in Denmark

From Research to Business 2025

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Welcome to From Research to Business

Description: AAU wants to promote innovation and business creation as career path for more of our PhD candidates and as a means of making societal impact from our research. This course helps PhD students understand the entrepreneurial landscape, what it takes to be successful, and they have a chance to assess whether this is something for them. The course has a high priority from AAU Innovation.

Prerequisites: All PhD students are qualified to participate. Some elements of the course refer to Danish business structure and law, but those are introduced in the course for the benefit of international students.

Learning objectives: Knowing the general terminology of entrepreneurship. Experience different ways to view businesses and their lifecycles. Knowing the legal structures supporting businesses in Denmark.  Having considered the purpose and contents of a business plan.  Understanding the use of a viable business plan to obtain impact funding. Knowing financing options and understanding their pros and cons. Knowing different types of investors, their motives and expectations. Knowing the basics of immaterial property rights.  Having considered different marketing approaches and their links with the business model. Knowing about local structures and organizations supporting startups. Understanding options for IPR protection.

Teaching methods: Classroom dialogues to investigate motivations and the logic of business as compared with the academic world. Presentations by experiences and successful entrepreneurs and investment managers

Criteria for assessment: The students must complete a business model canvas for their own business idea to graduate the course.

Key literature: Notes and slides from the teaching sessions.

Organizer: John Rasmussen

Lecturers: John Rasmussen

ECTS: 2.0

Time: 29 - 30 April 2025

Place: Aalborg University

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Maximal number of participants: 30

Deadline: 8 April 2025