PhD Courses in Denmark

Survey and questionnaire - design use and validation 2025

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Welcome to Survey and questionnaire - design use and validation.

Description: This course will focus on using surveys in health science and give participants an understanding of the strengths and limitations of surveys as a study design and the research questions that surveys can and cannot answer. The choice of study population, sampling and data collection will be discussed as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using standardised, previously validated, or self-constructed questionnaires. Furthermore, participants will learn how to construct a questionnaire with high validity and reliability, focusing on both the writing of clear and unbiased questions and the choice of suitable options for answering and different types of measurement scales. Finally, participants will gain an understanding of the importance of thorough testing of questionnaires and of quantitative as well as qualitative methods for this purpose. During the course, lectures and discussions will be mixed with group work and individual exercises, allowing participants to develop, test and discuss questionnaire questions and measurement scales relevant to their own study.

Prerequisites: None

Teaching methods: Lectures, discussion, group exercise and presentation of students' projects

Criteria for assessment: Active participation and presentation of own project with a focus on the topics of the course for the class

Organizer: Henrik Bøggild

Lecturers: Henrik Bøggild

ECTS: 2.0

Time: 28 - 29 April, 6 -7 May 2025

Place: Aalborg University

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Maximal number of participants: 30

Deadline: 7 April 2025