PhD Courses in Denmark

Research Dissemination (2025)

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Welcome to Research Dissemination 2025

Description: Research dissemination is an important part of being a researcher. Research dissemination happens both to other researchers and to wider audiences. Is important to be able to explain what we as researchers do: what our research focus upon, challenges, and what we can deliver to our stakeholders. Being able to disseminate research is also critical to be able to engage in relevant public debates and increase awareness of important new knowledge in society. Dissemination happens both in writing and orally. In this course we introduce a vocabulary together with method and tools for both formats. The aim of this course is to improve the students' skills in research dissemination and practice both written and oral research dissemination for various types of audiences.

Prerequisites: None, except being ready to actively participate.

Learning objectives: Improve skills in research dissemination and practice both written and oral research dissemination for various types of audiences.

Teaching methods: Oral presentations, exercises, active student participation with presentations and feedback.

Criteria for assessment: The students have two deliverables: a written short article and an oral presentation. The written article is imitating dissemination of a research-related topic to a wider audience and should be in layman terms. The oral presentation is targeting other researcher imitating a conference presentation. Both must be approved to pass the course. On top of this, the students must give feedback to the other students on both the written article and the oral presentation.

Key literature: Scientists as storytellers guide. Universities Denmark's Principles of Good Research Communication. Course slides and supplied notes.

Organizer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen

Lecturers: Mikkel Meyer Andersen

ECTS: 3.0

Time: 9, 23 October 2025 & 6, 20 November 2025

Place: Aalborg University

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Maximal number of participants: 40

Deadline: 18 September 2025