PhD Courses in Denmark

Journal club on nanostructures and reactivity

DTU Department of Physics

General course objectives:

The course aims at giving the students a critical approach to the existing literature, building knowledge about new literature within their research areas, and to practice scientific communication skills and discussions as well as assess ethical aspects.

Learning objectives:

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Conduct a systematic and scientific information search.
  • Apply various search methods on the internet (e.g. WebOfScience and DTIC).
  • Select relevant scientific publications.
  • Explain results and conclusions from publications.
  • Criticise and defend the applied methods.
  • Relate conclusions to own research projects.
  • Communicate methods, results, and conclusions to other PhD students.
  • Argue scientifically in a discussion.


The course consists of presentations of scienctific papers from high-profile journals by the PhD-students. The subjects for the chosen papers should deal with “Nanostructures and their reactivity”, see the keywords for examples. The purpose of the paper, results, and conclusions must be presented, and a critical discussion of the methods and the results should also be included. The student should also emphasize what the new issues in the paper are, and how these can contribute to his/hers PhD project. Each presentation must result in a short summary with the most important results and conclusions. These summaries are collected for the course, such that a relevant database is constructed during the course.