Energy Markets and Analytics 2025
Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University
Energy markets are at the heart of one of the biggest societal challenges of our time - creating a sustainable, reliable and affordable energy provision. Renewable Energies are also new guests and participants in such markets. The PhD/industrial course on “Energy Markets and Analytics” aims at providing an in depth introduction to energy markets and how the renewable energies can be integrated in them safely. The participants will learn how to implement the concepts using appropriate software packages on planning, decision making and optimization. The course will mainly cover the following subjects:
Day 1 (8:30-16:30)
1.1. Introduction to energy markets
1.2. Pricing and market clearing mechanisms
1.3. Competition and different type of markets
1.4. Market participants
1.5. Challenges of participation of renewable energy resources (RER) in markets
Day 2 (8:30-16:30)
2.1. Policies for integrating RERs in markets around the world
2.2. Impact of RERs on market clearing and market outputs
2.3. Demand side management for RERs integration in energy markets
2.4. Energy storage for RERs integration in energy markets
2.5. Impact of RER on balancing market Prerequisites.
Key words: Energy Markets, Renewable Energy Integration, Market Clearing Mechanisms, Demand Side Management, Energy Storage, Optimization.
Prerequisites: Basics of optimization theory
Learning objectives:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of energy markets, including pricing, market clearing mechanisms, and types of markets.
- Explore the challenges and opportunities of integrating renewable energy resources (RER) into energy markets.
- Examine global policies for integrating RERs and understand their impact on market operations.
- Learn strategies for demand-side management and the role of energy storage in supporting RER integration.
- Develop skills in using analytical tools and software for planning, decision-making, and optimization in energy markets.
Teaching methods: Lectures, Group work, Presentations, Small assignments, Excercise
Form of evaluation: The participants will be evaluated by exercises on a daily basis (both individually and in groups) and a mini-project on market practices at the end of the course.
Criteria for assessment: The participants will be evaluated by exercises on a daily basis (both individually and in groups) and a mini-project at the end of the course.
Remarks: In total about 42 hours (12 hours teaching, 6 hours practicing, 4 hours for preparations, 20 hours for doing the assignment and finalizing a student report)
Key literature: TBA
Organizer: Associate Professor Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam,
Lecturers: Associate Professor Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam, AAU Energy
External lecturers: Professor Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo – Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology
ECTS: 1.5
Time: 6 - 7 March 2025
Place: Aalborg University
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Maximal number of participants: 30
Deadline: 13 February 2025