PhD Courses in Denmark


Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Welcome to Biostatistics I 

Description: This is a basic course in statistics, and it focuses on the application of statistics to describe and analyze data (i.e., descriptive, and inferential statistics). The course will use different examples from e.g., medicine, biology, and biomedical engineering and focus on the application of statistics to describe data and test hypotheses, and less so on the underlying mathematical calculations.

Prerequisites: None. This is a fundamental course.

Learning objectives: 

1. Write a draft of an SAP for your own research project. 
2. The ability to understand the assumptions and perform the following statistical tests:  - Descriptive statistic  - Probability distributions  - Estimation  - Hypothesis testing - parametric tests  - Non-parametric tests  - One-way ANOVA  - Cross-tabulations  - Regression and correlation


Teaching methods: 

This course will consist of four parts:   

1) relevant description and presentation of data pending your data type   

2) a review of some well-known and widely used parametric and non-parametric methods and discussions of basic designs of experimental studies   

3) application of the statistical methods for hypothesis testing  

4) developing a statistical analysis plan (SAP) for your research project.


Criteria for assessment: The written statistical analysis plan and its presentation will form the basis of the evaluation of the course.

Key literature: TBA

Organizer: Carsten Dahl Mørch

Lecturers: Carsten Dahl Mørch

ECTS: 3.5

Time: 4 ,11 18, 25 March and 1, 8, 22 April 2025

Place: Aalborg University

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Number of seats: 24

Deadline: 11 February 2025