Biosynthesis of natural products
DTU Department of Systems Biology
The overall aim of the course is to give the students a comprehensive overview of: i) the different types of complex small organic molecules (secondary metabolites = natural products) that microorganisms, algae and plants can biosynthesize; ii) the different types of unique enzymes that catalyzes their biosynthesis; iii) the nature of the underlying gene clusters, and iv) how bioinformatics tools can be used to link genes to chemical structures and vice versa.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- Recognize and differentiate between the biosynthesis of different types of polyketides, including understanding the importance of enzyme catalyzed ring formations, oxidations and reductions, towards the final structure.
- Recognize and differentiate between the biosynthesis of ribosomal and non-ribosomal peptides, including the structure and catalytic domains of the related enzymes.
- Recognize and differentiate between the biosynthesis of terpenoids and shikimic acid derived compounds (polyphenols).
- Generate a hypothesis for the composition of the related gene cluster, in both bacteria and fungi, based on retro-biosynthetic analysis of the structure of a given natural product.
- Select and implement the use of bioinformatic tools, such as antiSMASH, MIBIG etc. in order to predict which type of natural product a given secondary metabolite gene clusters encode for.
- Select and implement the use of bioinformatic tools such as BLAST, HMMer, Interproscan in order to predict which type of related enzyme is involved in a given structural modification.
- Generate a model for which types of natural products a given microorganism has the potential to produce based on integrated genome analysis.
- Generate a model for the composition of genes in the related biosynthetic gene cluster, based on a retro-biosynthetic analysis of the structure og a given natural product.
Advanced understanding of enzyme catalyzed biosynthesis of complex natural products, such as polyketides, shikimic acid derived compounds, ribosomal and non-ribosomal peptides, terpenoids and compounds of mixed biosynthetic origin. Use of bioinformatic tools such as antiSMASH, BLAST, MIBIG etc. for annotation of genes, gene clusters, and prediction of the nature of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of natural products. Importantly, this course is directed towards students (and industry employees) coming from both biotechnology and organic chemistry, who want to strengthen their biochemical knowledge.