PhD Courses in Denmark

PhD Introductory Course (October)

DTU Department of Systems Biology

General course objectives:

The aim of the course is to induce the students to reflect upon life as a PhD student, provide them with tools useful for their PhD period and create a social and scientific network amongst PhD students within and between the departments. During the course, the students will gain some of the necessary generic skills for completing the proposed research project.

Learning objectives:

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Understand the framework of a PhD project period
  • Reflect on own development of competences
  • Apply basic tools for PhD project management
  • Apply basic tools for oral communicate
  • Make a poster that presents a project by the use of basic graphic principles
  • Construct a data management plan
  • Reflect on challenges in the PhD-supervisor relationship
  • Understand how different personalities can affect work related situations.


The following topics will be addressed: - the ministerial order - competence development - management of own PhD project - data management - responsible conduct of research - PhD supervisor relationship - communication.