Advanced topics in marine engineering
DTU Department of Mechanical Engineering
To provide the student with knowledge of selected advanced topics analysis models within marine hydrodynamics related topics that are currently not covered by existing courses at DTU. To enable the student to understand, apply and implement the involved theory and numerical analysis l models.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- Perform a literature search for a specific advanced topic from the library database
- Master the state-of-the-art of the selected topic, and propose possible extensions
- Comprehend the fundamentals and understand the limitations of the involved theories and numerical models
- Implement the involved theory and numerical analysis models in Matlab or similar
- Utilize a version control system, e.g. Git, for a good numerical coding practice
- Evaluate the theoretical and/or numerical results using benchmark results
- Apply the provided knowledge and tools to explain the involved physics in selected real-life engineering examples
- Disseminate the project results in a technical report or a scientific paper
The course will consist of lectures by the instructors, a literature survey, independent study by the students, discussion sessions between instructors and students, and project work. At the beginning of the course, each student should have decided on a preferred topic within the area of marine hydrodynamics or related from the list provided by the course instructors. The project work focuses on the implementation of the chosen theory and numerical analysis model. The report should summarize the project work, supplemented by verification and validation of the implementation, as well as mathematical and/or physical interpretation. The report can be in the format of a draft journal publication, or a more detailed scientific report.