CAMD Summer School on Electronic Structure Theory and Materials Design
DTU Department of Physics
The school will teach the students electronic structure methods which can be applied in materials design.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- Describe the fundamental elements of density functional theory (DFT) with electronic structure theory.
- Describe the fundamental elements in the projector augmented wave method within DFT
- Describe beyond-DFT methods for calculations of total energies and excited states of electronic systems
- Use the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) for modeling of atomic and electronic systems
- Perform simple calculations of total energies and forces for atomic systems using the DFT-code GPAW
- Give examples of materials design based on DFT, including development of energy materials
- Use and contribute to computational materials databases
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Subjects covered in lectures will relate to: The fundamentals of Density Functional Theory Strategies for solving the Kohn-Sham equations Projector Augmented Wave Implementation Exchange-correlation functionals Error estimation in Density Functional Theory Time-dependent DFT Many-body approaches to the electronic structure problem MagnetismThermodynamic properties and kinetics from DFT Energy Materials Chemistry at surfaces/Heterogeneous Catalysis Electrochemistry Materials Informatics