Automation and control of yeast fermentation
DTU Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
This course aims to provide participants with an understanding of the theory and skills needed to make decisions related to on-line sensor selection in view of establishing closed-loop control on a model fermentation process (yeast). Participants will be introduced to the theory of process control, and will learn how to use model simulations to study the effect of applying control to a bioreactor. On-line sensor concepts will be introduced, and the participants will learn how to work with on-line data, first in terms of detecting outliers and replacing missing values, and then for classification.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- - Implementation of a system of coupled differential equations on a yeast fermentation process
- - Simulation of a system of coupled differential equations on a yeast fermentation process
- - Gain knowledge about standard and advanced sensors
- - Apply control to a yeast fermentation process (in a simulation model)
- - Local sensitivity analysis
- - Missing value replacement and outlier detection in on-line data
- - Classification of datasets
- - Gain knowledge about standard and advanced sensors
See Annex 1