Physics and technology of two-dimensional materials
DTU Department of Physics
The goal of the course is to (1) give you a good understanding of the most important and often quite unique properties of graphene and other 2D materials, (2) an overview of current graphene research as well as the ability to view it in critical light, as well as (3) sufficent knowledge to be able to write a detailed, technical research application, describing and arguing for an idea, in addition accounting for how it may be carried out in practice, (4) understanding of the practical application of 2D materials.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- Describe key structural/chemical/mechanical concepts of graphene and use them in problem solving
- Describe key electronic concepts of graphene and use them in problem solving
- Describe key photonic concepts of graphene and use them in problem solving
- Explain how graphene can be synthesized and fabricated to a working device
- Analyse possible graphene applications in terms of feasibility and relevance
- Discuss differences and similarities of graphene and other two-dimensional nanomaterials
- Select, refine, qualify and and describe an idea for a research project based on the knowledge learned in the course.
- Write a technical research proposal related to graphene or other 2D nanomaterials
- Present an research article, critically, evaluate its relevance, novelty and quality, and formulate review discussion questions for a research article
In the course you will learn about the structural/chemical, mechanical, electronic, photonic properties, and fabrication and applications, primarily of graphene, but also other two-dimensional materials, such as boron nitride and molybdenum disulfide. With combined theoretical, practical and communicative activities the course seeks to enable you to participate in a research project or collaboration on graphene research at a high level, irrespective of whether you are oriented towards theoretical or practical problems in your MSc/PhD thesis.