DTU Health Tech PhD Introductory Course
DTU Department of Health Technology
The aim of the course is to encourage students to reflect upon life as a PhD student, to provide them with tools useful for their PhD programme (and beyond), to articulate importance of wellbeing, diversity and inclusion and to create a base for working constructively as well as networking scientifically and socially within DTU Health Tech. The course introduces the scientific profile of DTU Health Tech. By sharing knowledge about own projects, students will acquire a basic understanding of the various research areas at DTU Health Tech. During the course, students will gain some of the necessary generic skills for completing the proposed research project.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- apply basic tools for PhD project management.
- reflect on challenges in the PhD-supervisor-relationship.
- identify and present relevant topics and research areas in relation to own PhD project.
- communicate research by using the method of storytelling.
- make a poster that presents a project using basic graphic principles and do a 3 minute poster pitch including good use of voice and body language.
- use the innovation facilities at DTU.
- discuss the principles behind “Responsible conduct of research”.
- discuss fundamental problems in the topics presented in the Health Tech Colloquia & Poster series.
- evaluate the topics presented from a technical and scientific point of view.
- identify needs for data management planning.
- discuss ethics in relation to translational research.
- understand how different kinds of cultures and personalities can affect work related situations and how wellbeing is a shared responsibility.
The following topics will be addressed: • Poster preparation and presentation techniques • Communication via storytelling • Publishing strategy and ethics (relating to scientific publishing) • Data management • Responsible conduct of research • Ethics in translational research • Entrepreneurship • Project management • PhD-supervisor-relationship • Diversity and inclusion at the workplace