Summer School Complex Motion in Fluids
DTU Department of Physics
Introduction to selected topics in fluid dynamics of particular relevance for current research. The students will be exposed to the latest research results within these topics by lecturers, who are international experts in the field. There will also be material, which ensures that the students can refresh their background to be able to fully understand the lectures. The course requires knowledge about continuum physics at master level.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- Participate actively in international workshops within the research field fluid dynamics
- Relate own knowledge about flud dynamics to the latest research results in the field
- Acquire new knowledge about fluid dynamics through participation in an international workshop
- Write an abstract for an international workshop
- Present own research at an international workshop
- Discuss own research with other international students
- Discuss the research of other international students
- Establish own international network within the field
The course is held as a one-week PhD summer school organized by an international collaboration between DTU (DK), Twente University (NL), Cambridge University (UK), and Ecole Polytechnique (FR)