PhD Courses in Denmark

Journal Club in Geophysics, Astrophysics and Space Physics

DTU National Space Institute

General course objectives:

To give the students knowledge about the latest research within the fields of research covered by DTU Space, and to practice scientific communication and discussion.

Learning objectives:

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Conduct a systematic and scientific literature review
  • Select relevant scientific publications within their field of research
  • Explain results and conclusions from publications
  • Discuss, criticise and defend the applied methods
  • Assess critically the methods used and the presented results
  • Relate methodologies and conclusions to their own research projects
  • Communicate methods, results, and conclusions to other PhD students
  • Argue scientifically in a discussion


The course consists of presentations of scienctific papers from high-profile journals. The subjects for the chosen papers should be within the topics covered by DTU Space. The purpose of the publicaton(s), results, and conclusions must be presented, and a critical discussion of the methods and of results should also be included. The student should also emphasize essential details of the publication, and identify how these can contribute to his/her PhD project.