Literature study in medical ultrasound
DTU Department of Health Technology
The course goal is to introduce the participants to critical reading of the research literature within medical ultrasound and to writing papers. This is accomplished by reading papers presented by the other participants, and by presenting at least two papers one of which is written by themselves. A final report on a literature study is handed in at the end of the course.
Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- read the scientific literature within medical ultrasound.
- critically read a paper and identify its strenghts and weaknesses.
- know how a review of a paper is performed.
- write a scientific article.
- perform a literature search within a scientific area.
- describe the background for a scientific area.
- make a correct reference to the scientific litterature.
- make a proper citation analysis.
Literature reading. Writing papers. Literature search and reporting.