PhD Courses in Denmark

Impact and societal engagement: Enhancing the usefulness of your PhD project beyond academia (5+21 November 2024)

Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences

Dates, time and venue:
Tuesday 5 November from 9 to 15 in CSS 7.0.08 (Building 7, Ground floor, Room 8).
Thursday 21 November from 9 to 15 in CSS 7.0.01 (Building 7, Ground floor, Room 1).

Do you fear that your PhD project will end in the drawer and never get used?

This two-day course is for PhD students who wish to explore and enhance the usefulness of their research beyond academia. The overall aim of the course is to inspire PhD students to create impact and societal engagement through the exploration of relevant theories, methods and practical knowledge.

We apply an integrated approach to investigate impact that goes beyond ‘knowledge transfer’. We think about impact through terms such as ‘knowledge mobilization’ and ‘knowledge exchange’ that foreground continuous collaboration with practice/policy partners along with impact-strategies that consider all phases of a given research project. We will mainly focus on pathways to impact for social science research, but the course is also relevant for students from the humanities or STEM fields.

As part of the course, representatives from public and private organisations will give presentations and feedback to the individual PhD projects. The representatives are selected experts with many years of experience in practice-oriented research mobilization, multi-stakeholder partnerships, and knowledge brokering between people and institutions.

During the course, the PhD students will develop an impact strategy consisting of a theory of change, an activity plan and a stakeholder mapping for their particular project.

Target group:
The course is open to PhD students at all stages of their PhD project. For those who have just initiated a PhD project, focus will be on establishing collaborations from the very beginning. For PhD students in the final phase, focus will be on developing a plan for integrating and implementing research results in collaboration with relevant organisations.

Course teachers: 
Lise Tjørring and Maja Ejrnæs, Queen Mary’s Center, University of Copenhagen.
Further, invited guests from public and private organisations will offer presentations and feedback

Course structure:
On the first day of the course the PhD students will get an introduction to relevant theories and methods. Furthermore, there will be presentations by representatives from various public and private organisations on their practical experience of collaborating with social scientific research and the role of research seen from their perspectives.

In between the two course days, the PhD students will develop an impact strategy and prepare a presentation for a pitch session.

On the second day of the course, the PhD students will pitch their impact strategy for representatives from the public and private organisations and receive individual feedback.

Language: English

ECTS: 2.5

Max. numbers of participants: 20

Registration: Please register via the link in the box no later than 2 October 2024. Registration is closed. However, there are still a few places available. If you would like to register for the course, please send an email to no later than 22 October 2024.

Further information: 
More detailed programme and readings will follow.
For more information about the PhD course, please contact Lise Tjørring (

Literature: TBA