P2X Water Electrolysis System: Optimized Cell to Power Converter
The PhD School at the Faculty of Engineering at University of Southern Denmark
Ramkrishan Maheshwari, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark
Tel: (+45) 6550 1686, e-mail: ramkrishan@sdu.dk
Lecturer: Ramkrishan Maheshwari, Mohammed Ali Khan and Thomas Ebel
Teaching language: English
Type of course:
PhD-course in P2X water electrolysis system, cell structure, stack structure, and power converter topology and control for optimized hydrogen production.
Workload and Credits:
Approx. One-week full time, three days participation. In addition, there will be report writing and submission. Total credits: 3 ECTS
- Complete MSc degree in Power Electronics, Mechatronics, Power Systems or similar degrees.
- PhD students within Power Electronics, Mechatronics, Power Systems or similar.
- Industry.
A key element in the transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon energy system is ‘hydrogen produced through electrolysis process’. This process, which splits water into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), happens in electrolyzers that utilize electricity from renewable energy sources. Since it is powered by renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, or hydropower, this method produces "green hydrogen" with zero greenhouse gas emissions. Green hydrogen can be used in various sectors, including transportation, industry, and power generation. Therefore, there is a strong push towards generating green hydrogen by using electrolyzers. This warrants the research and development in this area of electrolyzer systems.
The high-power electrolyzer is a complex system which involve the knowledge of chemical process, material science, control strategy and power electronics. Therefore, this course provides an overview of a power-to-X (P2X) electrolyzer system. In the course, topics starting from cell structure to power supply topology and control will be discussed.
Main Topics:
Different topics to be covered in this course are:
- Overview of different type of electrolyser
- Alkaline electrolyser
- PEM electrolyser
- Solid oxide electrolyzer
- Impact of surface structure elements of electrolyzer stack electrodes and separators of alkaline, PEM and solid oxide electrolyzer on the dynamics of Hydrogen production
- Dynamic of bubble forming
- Power converters for the Electrolyser System
- Model of the electrolyser system
- Thyristor based converter
- IGBT based converters
- Advanced isolated power converters
- Converter design and control
Learning Objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
- Understand the basics of hydrogen production process for different electrolyzer system.
- Simulate an electrolyser system.
- Understand different converter topologies and control strategy.
- Select a proper converter topology and controller for an electrolyser system.
Teaching method:
Teaching is a mixture of lectures, laboratory exercises and assignments in teams of 2-4 students. During the course the students will conduct a series of simulations which he has to submit and used for Pass/Fail assessment.
No. of Participant (Max): 25
Venue: University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg Campus.
Usually held for three days in weeks 2 or 3 every year.
For 2025, it will be held on 13-15 January 2025.
Time: 8:00-16:00
For information on the exact time and place and how to sign up, email to Katarzyna Janus-Fiutowska, katarzyna@sdu.dk.
Language: English.
Evaluation and Diplomas:
The course is assessed by the teachers and evaluated passed/not passed based on an overall assessment of 1) submitted report and 2) presence and active participation at all lectures.
The organizers will assign 3 ECTS credits on a pass/fail basis.
For information on the exact time and place and how to sign up, email to Katarzyna Janus-Fiutowska (katarzyna@sdu.dk, +4560525605).