PhD Courses in Denmark

Migration patterns and integration processes: Theoretical and analytical perspectives in sociology and political science

The Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Aalborg Universitet


This PhD course targets PhD students studying migration patterns and/or integration processes in the field of social and political sciences. The overall aim of the course is to heighten Ph.d. students theoretical and analytical insights within migration and integration research. Moreover, it aims at hightens students analytical skills in how to apply theories, concepts and approaches in their own data materieal (qualitative as well as quantitative). The morning slot lectures present and exemplify theories and concepts (and contestations between them), based on examples from classical as well as contemporary migration and integration research. In the afternoon slots PhD students’ make presentations of their own work, followed by feedback and common discussion.

Teaching format:

The course has a workshop format combined with lectures. This means that participating PhDs will be required to present and discuss each other’s work. A reading list will be distributed in advance of the workshop, and all are expected to read and be prepared to discuss the readings in relation to concrete examples from their own and others’ work presented during the workshop. It is required that each participant send a paper (5-10 pages ) one week before the course outlining their PhD project (including a short introduction of research question, theoretical/conceptual framework, research methods, and a focus on analytical ideas, examples, reflections).