PhD Courses in Denmark

Machine Learning, Predictive Modeling, and Validation – for Battery State-of-Health Estimation (2024)

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Organiser: Associate Professor Daniel-Ioan Stroe,

Assistant Prof. Søren B. Vilsen (AAU-MATH)
Associate Professor Daniel-Ioan Stroe (AAU-Energy) 

ECTS: 2.0

Date: 21 – 22 May 2024

Deadline: 30 April 2024

Place: AAU Energy, Pontoppidanstraede 101 room 1.015, Aalborg, Denmark

Format: in person

Max no. of participants: 30

This two-day course introduces key aspects of machine learning, predictive modelling, and model validation. Focusing on quantitative predictive models for Lithium-ion battery state-of-health modelling. The course will present an end-to-end framework from when data is gathered to a model has been created and used for state-of-health estimation.


Day 1: Lithium-ion batteries and ML-based feature extraction and reduction by Daniel-Ioan Stroe and Søren B. Vilsen; 7.5 hours

- Introduction to lithium-ion batteries and battery performance parameters for SOH
- Overview of machine learning methods, the bias-variance trade-off, and cross-validation.
- Feature extraction (manual extraction).
- Feature reduction through principal components analysis and multi-dimensional scaling.

Day 2: Machine Learning for battery SOH estimation by Daniel-Ioan Stroe and Søren B. Vilsen; 7.5 hours

- Linear models, selection, and shrinkage methods.
- Kernel methods: support vector regression and Gaussian process regression.
- Neural networks: DNN and RNN.
- Automatic feature extraction and reduction by using neural networks.

Prerequisites: Fundamental understanding of probability and statistics is recommended. Furthermore, basic knowledge of either R, Matlab, or python is strongly recommended.

Form of evaluation: Students are expected to solve several exercises and deliver an individual report with solutions and comments.