PhD Courses in Denmark

Low Energy Harvesting Technologies and Applications (2024)

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Organiser: Alireza Rezaniakolaei,

Alireza Rezaniakolaei (ALR), AAU Energy
Kaiyuan Lu (KLU), AAU Energy
Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam (AAM), AAU Energy
Erik Schaltz (ESC), AAU Energy
Majid Khazaee (MAD), AAU Energy

ECTS: 2.5

Date and Time: Week 44; 28-30 October 2024

Deadline: 7 October 2024

Place: AAU Energy, Pontoppidanstraede 101 room 1.015, Aalborg, Denmark

Format: hybrid

Max no. of participants: 25

Teaser/short description: This PhD course handles the fundamentals of energy harvesting technologies such as thermoelectric, piezoelectric, and electromagnetic devices by introducing recent development techniques and detailed module design. Furthermore, control of electrical output of the devices will be discussed for maximum power point tracking by power electronic converting methods. This course also addresses recent applications of such energy harvesting mechanisms with introducing opportunities, challenges and relevant applications in renewable energy IoT industries.

  • Day 1:

Morning: Thermoelectric generator model and module design; Alireza Rezaniakolaei (3 hours)
- The lectures cover history of thermoelectrics, typical thermoelectric systems, basic arrangement & characterizing quantities, challenges for thermoelectrics, contact resistance, effect of geometry and inter-leg heat transfer.

Afternoon: Electromagnetic energy harvesters; Kaiyuan Lu (3 hours)
- The lectures cover the state-of-the-art designs of electromagnetic energy harvesters, typical design principle, device modelling, characterizing quantities, performance improvement challenges etc.


  • Day 2:

Morning: Integration of heat exchangers with thermoelectric modules; Alireza Rezaniakolaei (3 hours)
- The lectures cover coupled thermoelectric device/thermal system design, high performance cooling technologies, cooling energy vs. power generation, integrated model of thermoelectric & heat sinks.

Afternoon: MPPT and power electronic converters; Erik Schaltz (3 hours)
- The lectures covert thermoelectric generators modelling from power electronics point of view. Fundamentals of Power Electronics, power electronic converters for energy harvester device and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms for the device will be discussed.


  • Day 3:

Applications for thermoelectric energy harvesting; Alireza Rezaniakolaei (1:30 hours)
- The lectures cover integration of the thermoelectric generation with solar power systems and autonomous sensor platforms

Piezoelectric energy harvesting, model, design and applications; Majid Khazaee (2 hours)
- The lecture does cover basics about piezoelectric materials and material properties.
- Presenting the different applications of the piezoelectric energy harvesters.
- Modeling techniques for piezoelectric beams and characteristics of the power output from piezoelectric beams.

IoT applications for low power energy harvesting; Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam (2 hours)
- The lecture covers a background on IOT definitions and edge devices, energy harvesting technologies and its requirements IoT applications.


Prerequisites: No

Form of evaluation: Completion of design and metaphysics simulation of a form of the energy harvesting mechanisms or power output management of the chosen energy harvesting technology in the selective list of the tasks. The assignment will be done in groups and each group must submit the final report.

Course literature:

- Presentations