PhD Courses in Denmark

Lithium-ion Batteries. Systems and Applications (2024)

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Organiser: Associate Professor Daniel-Ioan Stroe,

Assoc. Prof. Daniel-Ioan Stroe, AAU Energy
Assoc. Prof. Erik Schaltz, AAU Energy
Assoc. Prof. Florin Iov, AAU Energy

Ass. Prof. Vaclav Knap (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)

Dr. Maciej Swierczynski (Xolta Energy Storage Systems, Denmark)

ECTS: 2.0

Date: 7 – 8 November 2024

Deadline: 17 October 2024

Place: AAU Energy, Pontoppidanstraede 101 room 1.015, Aalborg, Denmark

Format: in person

Max no. of participants: 25

Description: The objective of this two-day course is to provide the attendees with an extensive overview of Lithium-ion battery applications, such as EVs, grid support, nanosatellites or hybrid charging stations. Battery requirements for these applications as well as Li-ion batteries operation (power and energy management & mission profiles) in these applications will be thoroughly discussed.

Day 1: Lithium-ion Battery Applications. Daniel-Ioan Stroe, Vaclav Knap, and Florin Iov; 7.5 hours

- Overview of Lithium-ion batteries applications
- Operation and performance of Lithium-ion batteries in space applications
- Battery chargers and Hybrid charging stations

Day 2: Lithium-ion Battery Management and Applications. Maciej Swierczynski and Erik Schaltz; 7.5 hours

- Battery Management Systems (BMSs)
- Lithium-ion batteries in residential applications
- Lithium-ion batteries operation in electric vehicles


Prerequisites: Basic electrical engineering knowledge and basic experience with MATLAB/Simulink.

Form of evaluation: Written report with solutions and comments for the exercises, which will be introduced during the course.