PhD Courses in Denmark

Lithium-ion Batteries. Fundamentals, Modeling, and State Estimation (2024)

Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University

Organiser: Associate Professor Daniel-Ioan Stroe,

Assoc. Prof. Daniel-Ioan Stroe, AAU Energy
Assoc. Prof. Erik Schaltz, AAU Energy
Postdoc Jussi Sihvo, AAU Energy
Ass. Prof. Vaclav Knap (Czech Technical University in Prague)

ECTS: 3.0

Date/Time: 4 – 6 November 2024

Deadline: 14 October 2024

Place: AAU Energy, Pontoppidanstraede 101 room 1.015, Aalborg, Denmark

Format: in person

Max no. of participants: 25

Teaser/short description: This three-day course will provide an overview of the Lithium-ion batteries’ fundamentals and a deep understanding of their performance and degradation behavior. Different methods for battery performance (electrical) and degradation (lifetime) modeling will be introduced together with suitable parametrization approaches (from datasheet to laboratory experiments), respectively. These models will be subsequently used to introduce various Li-ion battery state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) estimation techniques. Exemplifications of some of the discussed topics will be made through exercises in Matlab/Simulink.

Day 1: Lithium-ion Battery Fundamentals and Performance. Daniel-Ioan Stroe; 7.5 hours
- Overview of energy storage technologies
- Lithium-ion batteries fundamentals (chemistries, design, construction, operation etc.)
- Performance behavior of Lithium-ion batteries (performance parameters and their
dependence on the battery operation)

Day 2: Electrical Modeling of Lithium-ion Batteries. Daniel-Ioan Stroe, Vaclav Knap, and Jussi Sihvo; 7.5 hours

- Battery testing procedures for performance (electrical) and lifetime modeling
- Battery performance modeling approaches
- Parametrization of electrical equivalent circuit models (impedance- and DC pulse-based)

Day 3: Lithium-ion Battery Lifetime and State Estimation. Daniel-Ioan Stroe, Vaclav Knap, and Erik Schaltz; 7.5 hours

- Performance-degradation behavior of Lithium-ion batteries
- Battery lifetime modeling
- State-of-charge (SOC) estimation models and examples
- State-of-health (SOH) estimation models and examples


Prerequisites: Basic electrical engineering knowledge and basic experience with MATLAB/Simulink.

Form of evaluation: Written report with solutions and comments for the exercises, which will be introduced during each day of the course.