PhD Courses in Denmark

Data and Machine Learning Operations (DataOps and MLOps) (2024)

The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design at Aalborg University

Welcome to Data and Machine Learning Operations (DataOps and MLOps)

Description:  The course will cover central concepts, methods, techniques, and tools within DataOps and MLOps. Topics include Data Augmentation, Labeling, Cleaning, Pre-processing, Quantifying the Data Quality, Lifecycle, machine learning model deployment, ML pipeline orchestration, monitoring and maintenance (via updating with transfer learning OR retraining) in production, ensemble algorithms, and technical infrastructure.

Prerequisites:  Bachelor and master degrees in computer science or software engineering, including knowledge on machine learning and data management as introduced in typical undergraduate courses, as well as significant practical experience with these topics.


Organizer: Christian Thomsen

Lecturers: Alexandros Nanopoulos, University of Hildesheim


Date/Time: 4 - 6 September 2024

Place: Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300, room 0.2.90

Zipcode: 9220

City: Aalborg

Deadline: 15 August 2024

Max no. Of participants: 15