PhD Courses in Denmark

Practice-based Research

The Royal Danish Academy, the PhD School

Titel // Titel

Practice-based Research


Sprog // Language



Ansvarlig(e) // Coodinator(s)

Connie Svabo, Ph.d., professor, centerleder, Institut for Matematik og Datalogi, SDU.

Silje Alberthe Kamille Friis, Ph.d., lektor, Institut for visuel design, Det Kongelige Akademi.


Øvrige undervisere // Other lecturers

TBD, men gerne 2–3 forelæsninger med eksterne undervisere.

I 2021 bidrog Rolf Hughes, Ph.d., Professor of the Epistemology of Design-Driven Research, KU Leuven,  Department of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas


Kursusbeskrivelse // Course description

This course offers introductions to, exercises in and reflections on the methodological approaches of practice–based research with a particular focus on arts– and design-based research.

A common challenge in academic research is how to mitigate between various forms of knowing. How may practice-based knowing be accounted for academically? This question addresses the relationship between research and practice - and is relevant for practitioner-researchers from across a range of fields: artists, designers, communication professionals, journalists, administrators, teachers, nurses etc.

The course introduces a cluster of methodologies which all interrogate doing in research. These methodologies are arts-based research, design research, research-creation, action research, performance as research and practice as research - and they all explore the entanglements of making, doing, and knowing in academic work.

From this broad contextualization, the course zooms in on arts- and design-based methodologies and provides each participant with the opportunity to work tangibly and concretely with his or her own practice as research, for instance by visualizing, drawing, designing, embodying, modeling, and writing. Exercises will be tangible and concrete, and we will employ props such as photographs, visual and physical artefacts in processes of making and translating knowledge.

Students will, among other things, gain insights into the methodologies of practice–based research, be capable of analyzing and discussing the specific advantages and challenges of applying practice–based research approaches in a PhD project and, develop an understanding of and strategies for how practical experience can be integrated into academic knowledge production.


Datoer // Dates

20-22th August 2024, the course will be open for applications six months prior to the course date(s) 


Lokalitet (fysisk fremmøde/digitalt) // Venue (physical attendance/online)

Royal Danish Academy

Min. og max deltagerantal // Min. and max participants

Min. 10, max. 20 participants